10 Ways a Humidifier Benefits Your Health, Skin, & Household This Winter

Do you know that using a humidifier during winter can improve your health, skin, and household? Humidifier benefits cannot be overemphasized, and doctors often recommend them. They may help treat symptoms of some health-related problems.

Many people suffer from a variety of serious health problems, including cracked skin, during the winter months. As we all know, winter air is characterized by dry air and this poses lots of dangers to us.

The need to add moisture back into our home is a necessity created by the winter season. Humidifying our home helps us avoid these problems while creating a comfortable atmosphere at home.

A study in 2013 showed that increasing our homes’ humidity levels up to 43 percent significantly lowers the activities of airborne viruses like the flu. The finding also showed in that low humidity surroundings, virus activity increased by 70 to 77 percent. When the level of humidity was raised to 43 percent and above, that activity level dropped drastically to only 14 percent.

An earlier study conducted in 2009 had similar results, indicating that higher humidity helps limit transmission of the flu virus.

Having a humidifier unit this winter might help you avoid illness and will make your skin softer. It even acts as preservation for your wallpaper and wooden furniture.

Below are 10 Benefits of Using a Humidifier

Lower your risk of getting an infection: Bacteria and viruses can’t travel effectively in moist air. Getting a whole house or portable humidifier this winter could mean the difference between contracting influenza and remaining healthy.

Softer and more glowing skin: Winter air is always cold and dry. This air draws moisture from the skin which can cause various forms of health complications such as dryness, flaking, dullness, and fast aging. Humidifying your home can help prevent these damaging side effects and maintain that glowing skin and vibrant appearance you always wanted for holiday parties and other occasions.

Comfortable sinuses: Many people experience dry, tight feelings in their nose during the winter season. Having a cold can make it worse. Winter air can dry out your sinuses, thereby lowering your ability to fight viruses and bacteria. Humidifying your room can help you sleep more soundly and help you wake up the next day with a nose free from a dry, tight feeling. Humidifying your home is also good for the throat as well.

Rapid healing times: If you are among the people who frequently suffer cold, flu, or sinus infections, a humidifier can help ease your symptoms. Humidifying your bedroom during winter periods and keeping your throat and nasal passages moist can help you heal more quickly. It may also alleviate coughing and sneezing symptoms.

Healthier houseplants: Plants effectively draw out toxins from the air, but during wintertime, they can suffer dryness, too. Even the soil is less damp during winter months. During this time, your plant’s leaves will look saggy and weak. A humidifier system can help restore the health of your houseplant.

Protect wood furnishings: Wooden furnishings can be attacked by dry winter air, including doors and moldings, causing them to crack and split. A humidifier can help preserve the wholeness of your wood, keeping its integrity for years.

No more growling morning voice: Some people wake up in the morning sounding like a bear. Are you among them? This experience is caused by dry winter air moving into your vocal cords. Sleeping with a humidifier all through the night in your bedroom would make you sound normal again!

Reduced heating bill: Moist air feels warmer compared to dry air. You can use a humidifier unit to add moisture to your home air to feel the warm sensation. This could help you save money on your heating bills every winter time.

Fewer electric shocks: Static electrics shock irritates everyone. It can be very hard to avoid this problem. This is a result of dry air. A humidifier can help reduce this problem.

Improved sleep: A humidifier system can help your partner with snoring problems. The extent to which we snore increases when our throat and sinuses are dry. Adding moist air into our home atmosphere will make you feel warmer and more relaxed, which can promote a better night sleep.

Some Precautions: Even though humidifiers are good for many reasons, they need to be cleaned on a regular basis. If not, they will turn into a source of mold and bacteria, which you don’t want roaming around your house.

Here are some tips to help:

  1. Use distilled or de-mineralized water: Our regular running tap water, especially hard water, contains minerals that can create a build-up in your humidifier and encourage the growth of bacteria. Distilled and de-mineralized water carry fewer minerals which can reduce the number of cleanings.
  2. Clean once a week: If you can make cleaning your system part of your weekly routine, you will able to do it quickly and keep your home healthy. If you fail to do this required cleaning, mold and mildew can accumulate and make the cleaning process much more difficult.
  3. Change filters regularly: Follow your humidifier manufacturer’s guide for changing filters if your humidifier has a filter.

Excess humidity can be harmful, too. You can buy a humidifier that can automatically determine the level of humidity in your home, which it can use to regulate itself. Consider buying a hygrometer, which you can use to measure the humidity level in your home.

Have you gone through our guide on how to clean a humidifier? If not, consider reading so as to enlighten yourself about humidifier care and maintenance. For humidifier suggestions, take a look at our humidifier reviews and guide.

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