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Top 5 Houseplants to Clean Air Indoors

Learning objectives After reading this article, you’ll learn: Benefits of houseplants to clean the air indoors. Know some indoor houseplants. Learn about Beneficial Houseplants that can clean air. Do you know that houseplants are not only used to beautify your …

Humidity and Human Health

Humidity is the quantity of moisture present in the atmosphere. Water vapor is the gaseous state of water and is not visible. Humidity levels indicate the probability of precipitation, fog, or dew. High humidity decreases the effectiveness of sweating by …

What Causes Asthma?

Asthma is a common breathing problem that affects many people. About 300 million people all over the world are affected by asthma. Among those affected, the USA has the highest number of sufferers, totaling about 22 million people. People of …

How to Use a Humidifier

Using a humidifier is really quite simple and easy. Remember, there are two different types of humidifiers: whole-house and portable humidifiers. Most of the whole-house humidifiers require some level of professional installation. Others you can actually install yourself. The portable …