How to Avoid Pet Dander, Pet Hair, Pet Allergies Problem?

How to Avoid Pet Dander, Pet Hair,pet AllergiesProblem?Although you love your pets, it’s vital to realize that furry animals can activate pet allergies in the air you inhale. Regardless of how often you clean and groom your pet, indoor air pollution can still take place unless you take certain steps to keep this from occurring. Besides, you don’t want to jeopardize the health of your human family members along the way.

Facts about Pets and Indoor Air Quality Issues

All breeds of animals with feathers or fur–such as dogs and cats–get rid of tiny pieces of skin known as pet dander. They are microscopic substances that can lead to allergic reactions to many people. When breathed in, dander from pets may trigger symptoms such as sneezing or runny nose and cold. In addition, people suffering from asthma may be more affected by the air that has been contaminated.

According to facts by specialists, it was discovered that there are up to 100 million pets in the US. Sadly, 15 percent of homeowners who have pets experience allergic reactions as result of the fur and dander from their cats and dogs. Those who have been diagnosed with allergies caused by their pets are faced with a dilemma.

In some cases, pet allergies do not show right away, and almost 50 percent of these individuals may not show any symptoms at all. The duration of time before symptoms physically manifest may take years. However, if you think there are some signs of allergies from your pets, it is wise to take steps to minimize vulnerability from these air pollutants.

How to Have a Pet-dander-free Life

To prevent allergic reactions from pets without actually getting rid of your pets, the following are some things you can do.

1. Ensure you properly vacuum home furniture. Furniture is more prone to accumulation and buildup of pet dander on the seats, couch, bed, and other comfortable surfaces in your house.

2. Regular pets baths are crucial, but try to use organic and chemical free soap or shampoo. By so doing, you can minimize air pollutants that come from the cleansing substances, which contribute to the number of allergens in the atmosphere.

3. Make it a habit to wash your hands properly after playing with your pets. This helps to prevent movement of pets’ fur and dander to other places in the home. Try also informing the members of your family to adhere to this practice, in order to engage everyone in keeping the home devoid of pollutants that may cause allergies.

4. The air passages which help to keep your home air clean should be thoroughly cleaned. This will effectively keep the air passages moving only quality air. If it is possible you have installed a HEPA air filter in your home, it will help prevent a great amount of allergens moving about in your home air.

Final words

Even though it is unavoidable for pets to shed fur and dander, you can also try to avoid health problems that may be caused by these air pollutants. It does not cost much but requires cleanliness. Use the right pet cleaning products; install adequate air ducts or HEPA filter to ensure your home has clean air all the time. Can a humidifier help with pet dander? Find details here


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